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Beyond Borders Percussion Ensemble

The Beyond Borders Percussion Ensemble is an opportunity for students to expand their understanding of musical composition and performance by learning outside the Western tradition (Music 2703/2704).

Beyond Borders Percussion Ensemble is an opportunity to study rhythm, drumming and ensemble skills from a global perspective. The ensemble’s repertoire focuses on Afro-Caribbean, North Indian, South American and West African traditions (usually learned without notation) with an emphasis on the creation of contemporary, cross-genre experimentation that includes improvisation and composition. Participants will have access to a variety of percussion instruments from around the world, found objects and will also use body percussion and vocalizations. Formal performances occur once per semester, with possible additional performance opportunities ranging from informal concerts on campus to processions at college events. The ensemble is composed of students with varying backgrounds, including some with no prior music experience and advanced players. Students are welcome to contact director Brian Shankar Adler before registering for this ensemble. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm in [Gibson 101].

Course Credit

Two consecutive semesters as a registered participant in an ensemble for credit fulfills the Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) distribution requirement. All ensembles count for one-half credit per semester and are graded on a Credit/D/Fail basis.
Beyond Borders Percussion Ensemble 2024
Beyond Borders Percussion Ensemble 2024
Beyond Borders Percussion Ensemble 2024
Beyond Borders Percussion Ensemble 2024


The Ensemble is a group of students with varying backgrounds, including some with no prior music experience. No audition is necessary. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:00 pm in Gibson 101.